Sunday, September 2, 2007

The begining of the blog

Welcome to my glad you stopped by. I wish I had done something this many years ago, or wrote in a journal about my medical journey.
This blog will keep you updated about how I'm doing and updates about doctor appointments, test, and hospital visits.
I hope you enjoy reading about living with PKD.
Check back soon and I will have another blog posted!


Bob said...

Hi, Lisa. Welcome to blogging. I look forward to following your story.

Out family vacationed in Chattanooga earlier this year. Stayed at the Choo-Choo, went to the aquarium, visited Rock City, etc. We all had a great time.

Linc said...

Hi, Lisa and all PKD patients,
I know that you are suffering from PKD. I am writing to you because that I am suffering from “PKD” too. I am not a PKD patient, none of my family member is. I am a PKD researcher. In the work, I found out that some of the important data which were published and used by the laboratory to apply for NIH(National Institutes of Health)grants were falsified and fabricated. I presented the evidences and made complaints to the principle investigator of the laboratory and the officials in the institute. However, I was retaliated against for my whistle blowing and was asked to leave my position. If the research misconduct is covered up, millions dollars of taxpayers' money could be in danger of being wasted, the public health could be in danger of unprotected, and the truth might be buried by the lies. The adverse impact to PKD family is obvious.
I found the falsification and fabrication on PKD research were extensively spreading in the field. It is ridiculous and astonishing. But I would like to say that this is like emperor’s new clothes, only kid like me (in Science) spoke up. Hard to believe?
In the end, I sincerely wish you and all PKD patients would obtain real cure sooner.

Billybill said...

Hi Lisa T.
I have PKD and I found a great treatment that helps live with it.
I take a sauna for about an hour everyday.
They call the skin the third kidney because it does some of the same functions as the kidneys.
Your sweat is filled with the same waste products that are filtered by the kidneys and come out in urine. Also excess moisture comes on in sweat. Your basically peeing through your skin.
Good luck